Centro San Viator (Spain)

Centro San Viator was founded in 1953 in the region of Enkarterri, in the province of Biscay. Located in a mountainous area and with a rugged landscape, terrestrial communications present not a few difficulties that accentuate the lack of opportunities for the residents of the region. Centro San Viator offers: Kinder Garden, Primary Education, Compulsory Secondary Education, High school diploma, VET and HiVET to meet the needs of more than 1000 students working with a staff of about 110 professionals. We are an entity with a strong social character and a priority objective: helping people with fewer opportunities, at risk of exclusion. We annually receive about 150 students who dropped out from other schools or who are at risk of early school leaving.

Centro San Viator has been developing different kind of European projects for the last 14 years, so we already have a broad experience in working with European partners. For the last 12 years San Viator has always led at least a European Union funded project; we are currently leading a KA2 + a KA1 and are actually partners in KA2, KA3, a COVE (social inclusion) and a pilot Capacity Building with Africa. We at CSV describe ourselves as an inclusive school where everybody, despite their origin, gender or intellectual capability must have the chance to reach to their maximum. We are still learning about microcredentials but part of our VET system (LLL) is changing soon so we are now investigating on how we can move on with them. So far, we have experience in working with the Professional Certificates, based on Europass, which don’t differ so much from the microcredentials. We are using them to train young people with intellectual disabilities with special attention to the development of soft skills. Since 2018 most of our education was already digital and since then we have reinforced it, and Google Classroom is a useful and common tool for our teachers.
